How Have We Adapted as a Business?

How Have We Adapted as a Business?

As the world continues to change and our new reality sets in for at least the next few months, we’ve had to make some changes here at Simply Clean.  By nature, Simply Clean has always been a relatively contact free type business with the exception of our commercial stops which most have closed during this time.  For our residential and diaper stops, we drop and pick up mainly from people’s porches or apartment hallways so contact has always been minimal. We have added extra precautions with a new type of washable bag and protection for our drivers and people sorting laundry.  But along with the procedural changes, we’ve also had to adapt our business model a little bit to make up for some of the loss we’ve incurred from our commercial accounts.

When this all occurred, we decided on two new approaches that would allow us to keep helping as many people possible with our services, while also ensuring our employees keep a steady paycheck.  The first thing we did was expand our service areas. While these new areas haven’t been posted on our site, we have expanded where we target new customers and we are accepting customers in a broader area of St. Louis.  This means going a little further North, South, and West than what’s currently shown on our website. The second thing we did was to start accepting drop off service aka Curbside Service. This is something we’ve never done before but had always planned on, so we are now accepting wash and fold at our facility at a reduced rate if a customer drops off and picks up.   It’s a great contact free service that allows customers to use our service if they are out of the pickup area and they can save a few bucks as well.   

These 2 small changes to our business model have allowed us to continue growth in our diaper and residential segments during a time that would otherwise make it very difficult to do so.  And as always, our number one priority is the safety of our customers and employees and we continue to follow strict cleaning and sorting guidelines to prevent any issues. We are continuously grateful to St. Louis for the support and are always happy to serve you.  Give us a call today at 314-782-2476 to talk with Kathy about scheduling your first pickup or dropoff and thanks again for choosing our locally owned and operated laundry service. We really appreciate it.

Mark Huntebrinker
Owner, Simply Clean Laundry Service



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